Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Endangered Animals

There are many species of rainforest animals, but there is a special group called the endangered animals. Endangered animals are all of the animals that are about to become extinct, which means that there are very few left. About one hundread and fourty animals that are extinct in the rainforests die every day.

Many of the rainforest animals go extinct every day because of deforestation. Deforestation is when humans cut down parts of the rainforests. We are slowly killing endangered animalsbecause of deforestation. When animals become extinct, they are gone forever, and never can come back to earth.

You can help save some of these animals by trying to re-use paper and also use less wood. Try to find other ways to help save endangered animal species!

1 comment:

Tom said...

I have a student travel company in Costa Rica and really enjoy your blogs. The kids section is great for the basics on the rainforest and useful information I show our clients. Thanks for the time and effort put into this and keep up the good work. Small things will make a big difference!